Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Logo
Illinois Council for Exceptional Children will celebrate it’s 75th Anniversary in 2024.  We have much to celebrate and look forward to in the next 75 years.  Your many contributions as a CEC/ICEC member, presenter, ICEC committee member, and more have made this outstanding accomplishment possible.
In celebration of the past and with eager anticipation of the future, we unveil the ICEC 75th Anniversary Leadership Celebration Series.  See our Celebration Series lineup in the document attached.
Virtual presentations on Zoom will take place on the 15th day of every month beginning Monday, January 15, 7:00 -8:00 p.m.  Check out the outstanding presentation scheduled at the link below:
ICEC 75th Anniversary Series Monthly Presentations 
Session #1 Recorded Session “Moving Forward in ICEC: How and Why We Grow Our Professional Networks”  Dr. David Coker
Session #2 Recorded Session “Social Media is Here to Stay: Here’s What School Leaders Need to Know About It” Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan
Session #3 Recorded Session “Accommodating, Aiding and Affirming Students with ADD/ADHD” Dr. Meg Carroll
Session #4 Recorded Session “Personalized Transition Planning for Successful Futures of Students with Disabilities” IDCDT
Session #5 Recorded Session “75 Lessons We Have Learned About Behavior Over the Years” with Bev Johns
Session #6 Recorded Session “When Leaders Collaborate: The Value of Parental Involvement” with Dr. Jamillah Gilbert
Session #8 Recorded Session “Therapeutic Behavioral Interventions for Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities” with Dr. Jessica Zanton. EIU and Dr. Louise Yoho, SIU-C
Session #9 Recorded Session “Empowered Partnerships: Cultivating Effective Collaboration with Diverse Caregivers” with Chanita Jones, M.Ed, IL SLD Support Project